Advertising with Character Cloud

Character Cloud is one part of the RPGame Network. Aside from affiliate buttons, there is no advertising directly on the Cloud outside of character pages. All advertising is handled through our advertising directory at The RPGame Affiliates. It is a guest only directory for all rp games on any platform as well as plot requests, site buzzes and anything rp related that isn't an actual rp game. The filters are designed with roleplayers in mind to help sort through by filters like genre, sub-genre, RPG Rating, and platform.

If you are here for a link back and would rather delete our ad than post on the advertising site, we understand. Sorry for the inconvience!


We are currently not accepting affiliate requests.

Game Directory Post an Ad

The game directory contains advertisments for rp games on any platform, including email, Discord, Tumblr, forums, and more. One ad per day per site.

Requests Post an Ad

The requests forum contains ads for plot related requests such as site canon or personal romances. One ad per day per site. Multiple requests allowed per ad.

Site Buzz Post an Ad

The site buzz forum contains ads for site buzzes. One ad per day per site.

Non-RPG Post an Ad

The non-RPG forum contains ads for rp related websites that are not strictly games. This may be resource forums, discords, ad directories, or anything that doesn't quite fit in the game category. One ad per day per site.